Walk throughs

Early Poptropica

*     Go all the way to the right until you arrive in Early Poptropica.
*     Talk to the settlers. One of them says he is missing his pig and that a spider stole it.
*     Another settler complains about a stolen bucket for the well.
*     There is one more settler on top of the tower. He says they have lost their flag and need it back.
*     Go all the way back to the beginning and you will see an open sewer grate by a fire hydrant.
*     Go down inside the sewer and get the pig in the bottom right corner.
*     Go back out of the sewer and get back onto the street.
*     Find the guy who was missing his pig and click on him. He will take his pig back.
*     Go down the well.
*     Find the glow stick. It is in the upper-left corner.
*     Go back up and get out of the well.
*     Go left back to the start.
*     Now you need to keep going left and get to Poptropica Towers.
*     Find another pothole and go down.
*     Explore the sewer maze below the street until you find a golden egg 
*     Get the egg.
*     Work your way up the buildings until you get to the last one.
*     Get to the top of the last one and go up the vine.
*     Click on the giant.
*     Keep on going right until you find a bucket and a jetpack.
*     Once you find those items go back down to the street.
*     Go back to Main Street and with the jetpack fly to the top of the water tower and retrieve the flag.
*     Go back to Early Poptropica and give the man by the wall his water bucket.
*     Go up to the tall wooden tower and give the man his flag.
*     A ship will come to shore and you need to click on the man on the ship to get your medal

Poptropica Shark Tooth Island Walkthrough

You arrive on the island and go to Ancient Ruins. You’ll arrive in the ancient ruins.Being careful from the falling coconuts make your way to Booga Bay.
After that go to the grass skirt seller and receive your free grass skirt. Put on the grass skirt and then head back left to the ancient ruins. When you arrive in the ruins, jump over the big stone in the middle so that you are standing on the left side of it and then push it to the right until it is underneath the vine right next to the palm tree. Now jump up on the top of the block. Keep being careful from the falling coconuts! Then then jump up again to catch the vine.
Continue climbing up the vine and jumping up on the platforms on the tree until you get to the very top, where you’ll find a medicine man. He will talk to you because you look like an islander in your grass skirt. Click on him and ask him, “What else can you tell me?” He will tell you that deep in the temple there is a wall carving that will show you what you need to bring to him so that he can make a potion that will put the big shark to sleep.
Jump off the platform and keep going down until you reach the ground. Walk a short distance to the left and you’ll see the entrance to the temple. It is in the mouth of the big statue and has spider webs in it. Go inside and then jump down the platforms in the first area.
Now you’ll be standing on a platform and there will be a swinging platform to your left. Jump on the platform and then keep moving to the left. You’ll reach a wall and then  you will need to go all the way to the bottom. Watch out for the purple bats, who will knock you over. Once you get to the bottom, go left and then jump all the way up again. Soon you’ll see a big green control panel in the upper left corner. Jump up onto that platform and click on the panel.

This panel will open the door to the left, but only if you press the correct teeth in the mouth. Count from the left and click on the 3rd, 4th, 6th and 7th teeth. Then press the big triangle above the teeth and between the two eyes. The door will open and you can go through it to the left. Keep going through the next passage and you’ll arrive inside a large chamber with a green vine hanging down. Do the same as before until you get to the bottom. Go left and you’ll come up to a big golden statue of the shark. Jump up on top of that statue and then over it. At this point, you can either jump up onto the swinging panel above you and keep going left, or just head straight across. If you jump up, you’ll get to a small pit with spikes in the walls. Jump down here and you’ll land next to an old skeleton with a bone in its mouth. Walk over to the bone to pick it up.
Now head right and go back to the shark statue. Climb back up to the top and jump on the swinging platform and go left until you get to the pit with the spikes in the walls. Wait here for the sliding platform to come close and then jump on it. Ride it to the other side of the pit and then jump off and exit to the left. Go through the passageway and you’ll arrive in another chamber with a green vine. Then jump down here and run across the floor until you get to a giant pedestal with an urn holding some green stuff in it. Jump up on top of that and you will get the Key Ingredient. There’s a vine here. Jump up onto it and climb up to leave the chamber. You’ll be in a small room with platforms. Keep jumping up to the top and then exit.
You’ll appear out of a hole in the sand right at the beginning part of the island next to the guy selling shark fins. You can get one from him if you like, but you don’t need it to solve the mission. Now walk to the right and talk to the guy standing next to the booth outside the Coconut Cafe. He will give you some carbonated coconut milk, which is the 3rd and final ingredient you need to bring to the Medicine Man.
Now you can go to the Medicine Man to give you the calming potion that you will use to put the great Booga shark to sleep.
Now head to Booga Bay, and go to the feed the shark attraction. Click on the cannon and point it up in the air and then click again to launch the coconut with the potion in it into the bay. As soon as it lands in the water, the great Booga shark will appear and eat it. He’ll turn green and then fall asleep below the water. Now if you proceed forward, you will come to a small island. Here you will meet Professor Hammerhead and a boy.
Talk to Professor Hammerhead and then go back to the bay.Both the professor and the boy will follow you. When you arrive back to where the crying woman is standing, she will thank you for rescuing her son. Professor Hammerhead will then give you a gold medallion and you have completed the adventure. Congratulations!
Poptropican Haunted House walk through!
First jump up and try to snatch the key from the purple bat.Unlock the basement door on the left side of the house.go down in there and make the tubes go the right way from boiler to boiler,jump up onto the air and float up to the shelf ,get the poisen bottle.Then go to the right and find the stairs.Go up,then go up the stairs and go near the knight with the full amour on the right,jump onto his head and grab the ice pick that falls down.Then go up the stairs above him,jump into the left door to the bedroom,go to the fire place,and click the skulls when they pop up both in the same time.Make sure that the clock hands are moving together on both clocks at thee same time.Then grab the lantern that falls from the fire place and then jump to the other door on the right.There you will find a spider under the floorboard.Click on it,then go down and pick up the broom that falls from the witches hands.Now fly up to the room on the right again,go to the little hole in the cieling,and go over to the chest.Then figure out the skull picture which is simple to do.Here are a few hints:Watch the order as the picture mixes is self and then start from it last move and do it backwards for example if the last move was up you do down and so on.Then get the chalice from the chest.Go back to the kitchen,open the fridge door and click inside to get the ice.Then go back down to the basement,go to the far left and click the kerosean to fill the lamp.Then go back up into the last room on the far right were there is the ghost cat.Talk to the ghost cat and then go outside and you'll see that under the cherub tree you will see a hole.Enter it.Talk to the witch with the pointy nose.You will get 50 credits.You can also use the customizer on the persons in there which costumes are MEGA RARE!